Better & Green Future for Our Kids

How Does a Baby Grow in the Womb?





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In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating journey of a baby’s growth in the womb. This process, crucial for child development, unfolds in a series of stages, each remarkable in its own right.


Key Takeaways

  • The womb is the site of the most rapid developmental stages.
  • The baby’s growth is divided into three trimesters.
  • Each trimester has unique developmental milestones.

First Trimester: The Beginning of Life

Organ Development and Maternal Adaptation

The first trimester covers the initial three months. Organ development starts, and the mother begins to adapt to pregnancy. The baby, known as an embryo, starts forming organ outlines by eight weeks. However, the maternal sensation of baby movements is not yet possible.

Critical Developmental Milestones

By the twelfth week, the baby’s organs have developed. This period marks the completion of organ formation, moving next to growth and enlargement.

Second Trimester: Visible Changes and Growth

Sixteenth to Twenty-fourth Weeks

Facial muscles develop, allowing the baby to open and close its mouth. By the twentieth week, the baby measures around 16.4 cm. The skin thickens, and sensory organs become active. For boys, testicles move from the abdomen to the scrotum; egg production is completed for girls.

Maternal Adaptation

The mother now adjusts completely to pregnancy. Most symptoms from the first trimester disappear, making this phase more comfortable.

Third Trimester: Preparing for Birth

Final Growth Spurts

The last trimester includes significant weight gain for the baby. Mothers might experience swelling in the feet, back pain, and other discomforts.

Twenty-eighth to Fortieth Weeks

By the fortieth week, the baby’s length reaches approximately 52 cm, weighing around 2500 grams. Fat accumulates in the arms and cheeks. The baby starts descending, increasing pressure on the mother’s bladder.

Bonding and Preparation

The bond between mother and child strengthens. The baby reacts to the mother’s voice, and movements are more noticeable.


Understanding a baby’s growth in the womb offers incredible insight into the earliest stages of human development. This miraculous and intricate process sets the foundation for a child’s journey in life.

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